Dolly Bindra was right when she said that Ashmit Patel won Rs.5 lakh (baitey bitaye). Of course, it was not all that rosy for him, as he had to take one of the toughest decisions in the game. Bigg Boss had told that the housemates had the power to decide one person who should go out of the house.
Shweta said Dolly should go and vice versa. Khali who now has had enough of Dolly, said that he wanted her to go too. But Ashmit showed character by saying that he would like to nominate himself out due to certain reasons. He was almost in tears and so were others, speciall Shweta. But Bigg Boss showed that he had heart in the right place by saying that it was just a test and Ashmit not only stays till the final but also wins Rs. 5 lakh
Khali u r real hero...i m saying from bottom of ma heart...ik admi 1 din 2 din 3 din drama kar sakta hai....par 4rth day uski reality samne aa jati hai.......i noticed dat u was nice ...u r nice ....n i m sure will always remain nice ......very calm ......salute....kahan seeda aadmi chalako mein phas gaya...but u handled situations very rightly....
I think some where Ashmit it trying to be genuine by not saying anything to Dolly and listening to her crap patiently but somewhere I believe Ashmit is a true heart !!! So vote for Asmit .........
khali earned 5rs per dayn now his getting 5 lack per day in big boss..
what a growth n his also do lots of help to others via charity
so i dont think he want 1cror rs he can make in wwe in 10min fight
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