Earlier Abbas told Sallu that he found three people were very nice in the house: Rahul Bhatt, Aanchal and Manoj Tiwari. When Salman Khan told him that Manoj Tiwari had actually played a big role in voting him out even though he could be excused for that as he had barely know the lawyer,; Abbas seemed to have later his mind that Manoj is not so simple as he is made out to be. So when he was asked to rank people in the house and sum them up in one word , Abbas Kazmi gave the following one word description to the housemates:
Rahul Bhatt: (Genuine)
Aanchal: (Angel)
Seema Parihar: (Reformed)
Sameer Soni(Kind) and Begum:(Sweet):
Sakshi Pradhan: (Naughty)
Sara Khan: (Introvert)
Hrishant Goswami: Back stabber)
Veena Malik: vamp)
Manoj Tiwari: (Double Faced)
Shweta Tiwari: Wicked
A girl from the audience wearing a mask of Shweta Tiwari was called and Abbas Kazmi was asked to vent out his ire. The veteran lawyer said in no-uncertain terms that Shweta was manipulative and was playing a dirty game, trying to win people over to her side. He said that he didn’t fancy her asking him questions on why he had an extra roti or two. These things, according to Kazmi were petty issues and if Shweta tound this a major issue, he felt that people of the country would vote her out quickly.
Meanwhile Salman Khan gave the following names to the ladies in the house
Veena = vishkanya..
Shweta = mirchi
Sakshi = hadkamp / much much
Aanchal = malai marke

In the next segment, Salman Khan brought in Bejan Daruwalla the famous astrologer who predicted the finalists of the game. According to him, Manoj Tiwari, Seema Parihar, Sara Khan, Sameer Soni and Begum Nawazish Ali will be the finalists in Bigg Boss 4.

Bejan had a rollicking time on the show as did Salman Khan who seemed to be thoroughly enjoying himself. In fact, this episode of Bigg Boss was Salman Khan’s best in terms of hosting, he was in his element, full-on impromptu and having a great time, electrifying the atmosphere with his quick wit and enthusiasm.

Meanwhile the mood was a bit tense on the night of Day 5 in Bigg Boss house, when a casual chat between the ladies Shweta Tiwari and Veena Malik took a nasty turn. Manoj Tiwari was sitting along the bedside of Veena Malik and Shweta casually told her that she and Manoj used to be linked a lot in the Bhojpuri film industry. Veena Malik said that she thought it was true because the TV star looked upset when she had asked him to sleep in her bed instead of Shweta’s. Veena Malik also said that she was so beautiful that she could get any handsome guy whom she desired.
Looks like there is more action to come, specially among the ladies..cat fights to be on the rise..Stay tuned to Bigg Boss 4.
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